Danse Manatee

Saturday, November 18

Video Tyme!!!

Number One: That commercial that geniusly (no, it's not a word) combines Coldplay music with Star Wars clips. Keyword here def. being "commercial" (hence the italics. hmmmm clever!). This is not one of those fan clips that someone makes because they happen to love Evanescence and Kingdom Hearts a little too much. Nope, this is a full blown commercial. Meaning that someone was paid money to create this. Meaning I should definately look into the field of retarded internet nerds making money. Anyways, someone cleverly managed to get each scene to line up perfectly with Chris Martin's incredibly touching words. The result is (hold on, don't be surprised here) an incredibly touching video. Awww! My fave partido is when Chrissy Wissy sings his line about "fixing you". I bet you can't guess what happens then..(!)

Oh crap I think I'm crying a little now. Moving on...

Number Two: The best Court TV clip you will ever, ever see. Of course the narrator's clever dramatics and spicy music help this clip move up the hilarity scale, but what really gets it going is this super fly drunk guy who pulls the most ridiculous stunts in order to rob a gas station liquor store. Not only does he fall out of the fucking ceiling, he also gets a number of bottles smashed in his face. You're not going to believe what happens at the end, and I'm not going to tell you. Let's just say, it's what causes this video to hit the top of the hilarity scale and send a cascade of balloons and confetti falling down on our heads. And yes, that does happen whenever things are funny.

(Sorry folks, no embedding here. Please move along. I mean move up to those links. Yep, that one. And that one too. Oh and the one that's coming up really soon.)

Number Three: Tom Cruise Kills Oprah. Do I have to say more? Can you guess what's going to happen? Turn your volume up and enjoy this quick clip of laughy taffy. I mean laughy...ness. Laughiness. Yeah, that's it. Laur-harharharhar-ness.


At 3:28 PM, Blogger Matt said...

howcome you linked the 2nd video like six times?

i really like the tom kills oprah one tho :)


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