Danse Manatee

Tuesday, December 12

More weirdness, more goodness.

I download a lot a lot of music that ends up unlistened to, sadly sitting in my iPod and waiting for the day that I will actually put my pod on shuffle and stumble upon it's warmth. Thank God I fell upon White Flight while on shuffle mode one day. The music is mostly cool blues rock n roll with an electronic pop edge. The drumming is in my fave BSS-ish style and the guy's voice is quivery weird and crazy. There's something about a smooth southern sound with crazy mixed in that drives me wild. "Solarsphere" has a lot of the blues and rock n roll that I was talking about (and is my fave track and the one that I stumbled upon), "Now" is a little more poppy with the BSS drumming and a fun loop, and "Obsidian" is soulful smooth but still a little crazy tough. Um, please listen?


I don't know if you actually want to know what the guy looks like, but here's a video for "Now". I find his grungy skinny craziness to add to the music a little bit.


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