Danse Manatee

Tuesday, September 12

NIN penetrates Star Trek

Which is funnier: this or the Gay Bar Bush/Blaire mashup?

Monday, September 11

slightly lazy tuesday morning bin of Extras

+ Land of Talk: "Speak to Me Bones"

For some reason I never posted this band's best song and I appologize for it.

+ Grizzly Bear: "Don't Ask" (Final Fantasy remix)

Because there's a good chance that you've got a hankerin' for more Bear.

+ Sufjan Stevens: "Chicago"
"The Henney Buggy Band"
"Adlai Stevenson"

I never posted anything about Sufjan's "Avalanche" album because, well, how much more Sufjan do you need? But if by chance there is a hole in your collection, or if you're thirsty for some relaxing and refreshing Sufjan, I suggest you download these hand-picked tracks that are, I swear, the best on the ablum. And if you dig "Chicago", there are actually three versions of it on the album!

Friday, September 8

So Hot Right Now: Grizzly Bear outshines every barbershop quartet ever

Pitchfork gave Grizzly Bear's new album Yellow House a good review, so of course everyone's raving. I was a little bored, especially after hearing one blog call them a mix of BSS, Animal Collective, and Arcade Fire. (They seriously said that and I nearly shit my pants, I kid you not.) But then I saw this video on YouTube of them performing their song "Knife" while walking on the streets of Paris with beers in their hands. It truly doesn't get any cooler than this.

So I gave them a fresh listen, and this just in: they are pretty great. Here are some pre-approved tracks for your listening preasure.


+ Grizzly Bear - "Knife"
+ Grizzly Bear - "On a Neck, On a Spit"

And I know you're wondering, so I might as well address it: Yes, there is at least one hottie in the band. And yes, the only reason I posted that picture was for the hottie in the shower and the gay relations. There are more pictures which are more awesome in a non-sexual way, and I do suggest that you go look at them at their myspace page.

Thursday, September 7

Ellen Delesbian and Kaaalie embarrass me

Check out Ellen DeGeneres on her show making a fool of every blogger out there. And every blog reader. I feel nerdy for caring, but this is soooo embarrasing. Why does a 17 year old girl from Long Beach get to represent the blogosphere? I'm sorry to sound so self-riteous, but I think blogs are a POWERHOUSE! of information that are changing the way music and reporting are done. Oh, kAAAlie, what are we going to do with you?

(Thanks to BWE for the clip)

Ratatat remixes the Shout Oud Louds, makes awesome video, looks hot

If you didn't already know, Ratatat remixed "The Comeback" by the Shout Out Louds and the result is awesome. Ratatat is musically superior to the Shout Out Louds and the Shout Out Louds are vocally superior to Ratatat (mainly because they ahve vocals), so of course there was nothing but hotness to be made. Here's the video, which is also great:


+ The Shout Out Louds - The Comeback
+ Ratatat - The Comeback Big Slippa Mix

I also found this video for their song "Germany to Germany" of their self-titled album. The video is on fire... literally. Where else can you get two hot bois playing guitar in front of a red sports car as well as clips of fire and smoke and lights?

Wednesday, September 6

Truly Sadly Deeply

It turns out that I'm still in 8th grade and that the most satisfying thing in the whole world is, no, not seeing Lindsay Lohan's gross vagina, but watching people get rejected.

A while back a video emerged thanks to TMz of Tara Reid getting denied entrance to Hyde, a hotshot club with a not-so-hot name. The drama princess in me loves it way too much. Click here in order to scornfully laugh at disgusting people looking sad and rejected and their friends trying to pretend like they're still cool. It's painfully good.

That was just the appetizer. The main course is Paris Hilton, along with Brandon Davis and P. Diddy getting turned away from Bungalow 8. Paris almost cries, and it makes me smile. Go to Best Week Ever to get a full recap. You won't be disappointed.

Monday, September 4

In the MIX

1. Paris Hilton's CD gets scammed in the UK.

Head to The Gossip Rag to see the rest of the pictures and find out more!

2. Listen to Snowden
+ Anti-Anti

3. Also listen to Menomena
+ Shirt

4. I Am Fuel, You Are Friends posted a bunch of tracks from the Sub Pop Singles Club and they are all incredible. Go there to get the best tracks ever from the Mountain Goats, Bonnie "Prince" Billy, and Modest Mouse among many, many others.

* And I insist you download "Jam Eater Blues" by the Mountain Goats because it's true, life's too short to not eat jam out of the jar. (Come on, I'm a sucker for the cutesies!)

5. Don't forget to check out my last post for more awesome music!

Land of Talk

What is it with bands from Montreal? They all bring the hotness along with the popness. It's like a popcorn machine of music! Anyways, enough of that analogy, I recently heard a band called Land of Talk. I was mainly hooked by the lead singer, Elizabeth Powell's vocals which remind me very much of the girls from Broken Social Scene. The music (of course) isn't as skilled as BBS's but it's melodic and a little bit gritty.


+ Breaxxbaxxx
+ All My Friends

The band currently only has one CD out which consists of only 8 tracks. A dissappointment especially when compared to Sufjan's Avalanche (21 tracks) and Devendra's Cripple Crow (22 tracks), and even more so considering 4 of the 8 are floating around in the Hype Machine. Even so, the band is worth a listen and possibly even a buy.