Danse Manatee

Wednesday, August 23

Your favorite celebrities are on TV!

Leslie Hall made it on MTV and since I'm obsessed, I thought I'd have to post it. Not only does Leslie talk about her highschool years, she also performs LIVE!! (I dare you to watch her say thank you and TRY not to fall in love)

Dewdrop Lane?? She is pure genius.

And here's Peter Pan on VH1, being a little more real and a little more weird. Leslie Hall totally beats him in the being awesome field, but not in the being sweet field (awww!)

Tuesday, August 22

I go Youtube crazy, you go just straight cRaZyy!!

But the real question is: How do I get into the Paris Hilton?

Reasons to be happy

1. Leslie Hall
2. Snakes On a Plane came out this week and it was fantabular.

Leslie Hall

Leslie Hall might just be the greatest musician ever. See for yourself:

More videos over at Leslie and the Lys.com

If you're in So Cal, she's playing at the Hard to Find in Goleta on the 14th of September, and then in Hollywood and LA.

Saturday, August 19

WE are the internet!

Catchiest song to hit the bandwidth:

These are all internet celebs, although the only one I actually know personally is Peter Pan, but Leslie Hall Keeper of Gems and Tron Guy seem pretty awesome too. They're trying to get the word out about Net Neutrality, which is us internet lovers' name for fighting a stupid political ploy to make everything on the internet not free. Which is kind of like an oxymoron, right? Anyways, head over to We Are the Web

Friday, August 18

Your latest "so hot right now" music

My file server is currently down, so please excuse the blog linkage, but I've been meaning to post about a few bands lately. Well, really, I just wanted to post about:

Devendra Banhart. He's the latest in "freak folk", the latest hippie to tell us to grow our hair out and to not support the war. He's also the latest to be so simple as to be boring once you've heard each song one and a half times. I still suggest it, but I won't give it an extended-use warranty. Go to Rewriteable Content for "Long Haired Child", hold tight for the better "Cripple Crow" which I'll deliver as soon as my file server is up again.

So who I really want to post about is:

The Theater Fire

These guys are incredible. They've been called "alt-country" because of their country twang and banjos, but there's something much more lurking there. A lot of the songs make you feel as if you're in an old bar (or a saloon if you please!) singing songs with a big group of drinking buddies, or better yet, the whole town. They're joyous but at the same time there's a very light eariness that is weaved into the songs, mostly due to the background noises, recording quality, and the singers' voices. "The Fiddleback Weaver" includes Mariachi-style music, which sounds almost crazy but feels as normal as can be. They're very skilled musically and their songs all create a thick and entertaining atmosphere. It's like stepping into a new land. If you saw "Big Fish" you might remember the strange town where nobody where's shoes and at night the whole town comes out to dance in the grass while surrounded by Christmas lights. That's kind of how The Theater Fire is, but sometimes with more grit and more dirt. It's magical and beautiful and it suspends you in disbelief. You're not in California anymore, kids.

download everything at Aquarium Drunkard as well as "Swimming" (or whatever else you'd like) over at musicisnotdead

And today I just heard "The Bicycles", the newest in twee, and they aren't too shabby. Go to The Smudge of Ashen Fluff and download "Paris Be Mine"

Tuesday, August 15

Belated Picture Post

**Click on picture to view source and better pictures

Nicole Ratty
Miss Richie shows us all how to look like you're from the Rescuers Down Under (also indirectly shows hatred for Holocaust survivers)

Boy oh Boy
Photographers can't get enough of old men sweeping

potato sack
Lindsay Lohan wears potato sack, can't afford a bra.

And as a refresher, the lovely Christina Aguilera shows us what a superstar really looks like.

Monday, August 14

You just got PULSATED!

Too bad that line isn't in the movie. Saw Pulse tonight due to continuous obsession with horror films. There are two reasons to see this movie:


Ian Somerhalder, first photo, is given a bit of a visual boost due to a red filter which means he has less of a "rosy" look. He also has a bit of stubble. Basically, he looks more like a man than usual.

Jonathon Tucker, second photo, is given a bit of a hit against the head due to his name. Isn't there a movie out right now called "John Tucker Must Die"? And didn't he die in Pulse in the first 10 minutes? Bummer.

Other than that, it's terrible. It's not scary enough and it has a stupid story: internet virus kills people (sound familiar? ahem FEARDOTCOM ahem), takes over the world wherever internet, cell phone reception, etc can reach. So the theme? Technology is bad. Also, red tape "keeps it out". Unfortunately, no one cared enough to make this mean anything. Stupid object, no meaning. Hopefully the Japanese version was better. Don't waste your money.

Update: Okay, I lied. I did get scared quite a few times. But not enough! And the story was so dumb that the scares weren't even worth it. I did scream, but it was because of the mix of boredom and terror, not just sheer terror.

Snakes in a Toaster

Ebay is currently hosting an auction for Snakes on a Plane toast. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but check out the actual auction. It gets weirder. Number one: Why is someone paying $143 for toast? Number two: Memory loss? And Number Three: This "toastologist" says he knows the answer to everything, so ask away!

First question on the auction: "Has this toast ever been in your pants?"
And answer: "Another great question, iamtywebb. I'm going to be honest with you. Yes, the toast has been in my pants, but I was drunk. I know, it shouldn't have happend and I normally wouldn't do such a thing, but after 2 O'Douls, I had no idea what was going on. I'm kidding! The toast has not been in my pants. In fact, nothing has been in my pants for quite some time. Unfortunately, I have the Abe Lincoln sex life; my last four scores were seven years ago."

Um.. question: is seller available for marrage?

Sunday, August 13

Unicorn Island

Remember Montreal band the Islands? I wrote about them a while ago. Since then I bought Return to the Sea, which is an awesome album. It's so much fun and really sticks to it's theme of islands, ocean, etc. But then I got Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone, an album by the Unicorns who are actually pre-sea Islands. Islands pumped up the cuteness, but Unicorns pumped up the awesomeness. The main reason for the awesomeness lies in one track:

"I Was Born a Unicorn"

But I've got to say that Return to the Sea is still pretty darn wonderfully super cool and "Rough Gem" is a great song. It adheres to the island theme despite the boop bleep boops that remind me so much of Super Mario Bros. My favorite lyrics are "You can scoop out my brain shape it into an ear and then tell me your pain"

Click to buy Islands

And if you're feeling the island theme, check out Blueberry Boat by the Fiery Furnaces, which you should really already own. They're another brother and sister duo, with a little less cuteness and a little more weirdness (plus awesomeness, duh!) Check out:

Blueberry Boat
Chris Michaels

Click to buy Blueberry Boat

Saturday, August 12

Electronic Extravaganza

the 2nd best electronic band to pop up in blogheaven?

Hot Chip

Over and Over.m4a
And I Was a Boy From School.m4a
(Just Like We) Breakdown.m4a

as well as:




(who do their own songs, produce others' songs, and best of all do some awesome remixes)

Metric's "Monster Hospital" remix: Monster Hospital.mp3
Wolfmother's "Woman" remix: Woman.mp3

The Knife

Brother and sister electro duo the Knife are one of the best bands I have discovered recently. The Swedish Olof Dreijer and Karin Dreijer Andersson have been making music together since 1999 and have recently received a high amount of popularity due to (wait for it) the blogosphere!! as well as a cover that Jose Gonzalez, also Swedish (with Argentinian parents), did of their song "Heartbeats" that later became a massively popular TV ad. This song is really quite great. Here are both music videos for your viewing and listening pleasure:

The Knife version:

Jose Gonzalez version:

And the commercial that started it all:

I recently bought their album Deep Cuts and trust me, their tracks don't go below a certain level of standard. Karin's voice is almost intoxicatingly addictive and the sound often carries a level of creepiness which is right up my alley.

The Knife usually does not tour. They are very pretentious about public appearances, because they like to keep themselves (as people) out of the spotlight so that their music stands alone. In fact, everytime they have a photoshoot they are seen in masks or makeup which attempt to visually depict their music. I have no idea what they look like and I don't really mind (because how many times have you been turned off of and okay band because they turned out to be uglier than expected?) After learning about their publicity celibacy, I was overjoyed when I found out that they're currently touring! They're in Europe right now, and in November will be hitting Los Angeles and San Francisco

Jose Gonzalez' Heartbeats
Knife's Heartbeats
You Take My Breath Away.m4a
10 Is It Medicine.m4a
Pass This On.m4a

OK Go makes us excited

I believe that OK Go has had the power to renew dance spirit in everyone. If you didn't already read my Danse Lesson post, you'd better tune in quick. Why? Because OK Go is having a dance contest!!!. And to all you current-news-via-blog-eaters: so what if I'm the last person to jump on the bandwagon and care?

Go for the gold you internet bloggies!

Friday, August 11

Broken Social Scene for breakfast

Since the first time I heard them I have been totally hooked on Broken Social Scene. I can't even put into words how great everything they do is (except for the boring "landscape" songs, but pretend I didn't just say that). There's something about having too many band members in a band which just makes it really awesome.

WELL, I just found a bunch of live Broken Social Scene tracks from a KCRW session at Surviving the Golden Age. I'm kind of very stoked and just happen to be listening to it right now. If you're not already a fan, don't bother, but if you are, I wouldn't miss this. Why? Because nothing they do can be bad. I'm convinced.

And to celebrate, I thought I'd post their TOP 5 Most Awesome Music Videos.

A little less Garden State, a little more Fall Out Boy. But hey, I dig it. But mainly because of the line "Can't we just make it instrumental?"

Why? Because a football player says "Let me tackle you." And because it's super gay and I'm super down.

I'm not really into totally romantic stuff, but this music video is still kind of amazing. It captures, in two and a half minutes, the feeling of a first kiss or a new love. The blue color of the ocean paired with the fluctuating time of the ocean and those incredible violins is almost too much.

Why is this video awesome? Whats his name and Leslie Feist are, first of all, soooo cool when they dance together! (Where do they get that sort of energy?!) But I've already proven that. Also, the scenes in the car make me really want to take a cold, gloomy road trip. Maybe not with a zebra, but definately with and oh-so-indie cassette tape and a super-cool ,hip hop boom box. Plus, this song is so raw and crazy and real! (please excuse the terrible adjectives)

Duh. You knew it'd be on here.

Suri Cruise is scary

These pictures have been all over the internet lately:

But honestly, I'm not sure if I believe it. First of all, why is Katie (or whoever that cloudy figure is) standing in the window like some creepy ghost from Are You Afraid of the Dark? I mean, she doesn't look like she's even capable of moving. Is Madame Tussaud behind all this? Perhaps a Scientologist herself with duties to protect the Cruise Clan? And second of all.. I don't really want to see Suri. I'm much happier with her remaining an exciting, gossip-inducing mystery that looks, in all our minds, like this:

Would that be so bad?

Apparently Vanity Fair has bought the rights to the first Suri pictures. I'm disappointed. I'm going to continue to pretend that it's all some elaborate conspiracy that those alien-worshiping Scientologists managed to brew up.

Thursday, August 10

Blast From the Past: episode 1

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Check out that lingo. Check out that hair. Check out that outfit! This was definately before Melissa Joan Hart became a loser and before she got old, had a baby, and complained about people still thinking she was a teenager. You know why that was, Melissey? Because you hit your peek when you were about 16. Honestly. And we all still wish so very hard that you could remain that age.

Unfortunately, this is the only clip of Clarissa Explains It All that you can get on YouTube. To that I say WTF? There are plenty of clips from The Secret World of Alex Mack (see below) and from Are You Afraid of the Dark? but no more Clarissa! We can't even see her at her prime age of 16!

Well, if you really are desperate for some of her handy knowledge, for her annoying brother Ferguson and for Sam to climb through the window and not have sex with her, then you can go to Amazon and buy the episodes on DVD. You can also get Pete & Pete (easilly) and Alex Mack if you really try (and that might be worth it)

But enough blabber, go watch some YouTube! I highly suggest Alex Mack, especially because the "mean girl" is played by a young Jessica Alba. Are You Afraid of the Dark is also great. It's still just as frightening as it was when I was a kid. If you decide to go the scarier route, make sure to scroll down about half way when you search until you see a description that says "The Lonely Ghost". That's where the episodes begin. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 9

The newest edition of Why America Sucks

I have always been a huge fan of horror movies. So when I went over to the UK last summer and my cousin told me about a new film from the creators of Dog Soldiers and 28 Days Later, I was psyched. I watched the film and decided that it was one of the best I've ever seen. Since then, I've been following it's progression to American theatres via the IMDB message board. I was naturally dying to see it again when The Descent came out in theatres. Now, I knew that they were re-editing it for American audiences, but I didn't expect it to be as bad as it was. First off, the whole ending has been cut out. Yes, the American ending is, in the original version, just a dream. They cut out many meaningful symbols, including the daughter with the birthday cake. Sure it was included, but did it make any point? Was there any use for it? And the scares were so cheap! It's been totally Americanized to a cheap version of an amazing film and I don't know what to do. My first thought was to get out of the country (I really am serious about my horror films!). But instead I think I'll just buy a multi-region DVD player. Yes, just so I can watch this movie. Phooey. I hate Americans.

Saturday, August 5

Whitney Houston Lite

I'm honestly freaked out by this video of Britney Spears that recently popped up in internetland. What's wrong with her, y'all?

Thursday, August 3

Attention Venturans:

Remember the old Mann theatre? Remember how they converted it to a $2 theatre plus once a week they play old movies? Well, for the next month or maybe longer, they're playing tons of Stanley Kubrick films (I'm a big fan). I suggest you go see at least the best of them. Here's the schedule + link:

Today: Dr. Strangelove
August 10: 2001: A Space Odyssey (make sure to get high before going!)
August 17: A Clockwork Orange (go just to see Alex's bulge enlarged)
August 24: The Shining (the sounds the tricycle makes are worth seeing it in the theatres)
August 31: Full Metal Jacket (I don't care because I haven't seen it)

That's it for now. You can check the website yourself if you'd like. They play every Thursday. Don't miss out!

The Dylan/Cash Sessions

If you like it, head over the The Aquarium Drunkard for some great tracks, including (and I highly recomend it) "One Too Many Mornings"

Are you down with G-O-D?

The Lord is all that, I need for nothing. / He allows me to chill. /He keeps me from being heated /and allows me to breathe easy. /He guides my life so that I can /represent and give shout outs in His name. / And even though I walk through the hood of death, /I don't back down, for You have my back. / The fact that He has me /covered allows me to chill. / He provides me with back-up/In front of player-haters, / and I know that I am a baller and life will be phat. / I fall back in the Lord's crib for the rest of my life.

--Actual quote from "The Hip Hop Prayer Book".

I'm just wondering why the rap has to suck so back. I'm not really suprised that someone decided to rewrite the Book of Common Prayer all in raps, but I am surprised that they didn't hire someone super cool and super talented to help them out. First off, that wording! It's trying way to hard. God doesn't try hard to be a baller, you shouldn't either. Second off, does this follow any sort of rhythm whatsoever? And no rhymes! I'd be so down with God if he had some sick ass rhymes to get me all giddied up in the Lord's name. Sheeet man.


Wednesday, August 2

Lessons in stYle

So what if this is kind of really old, I am IMPRESSED.

OK Go's music videos are really, really cool. This first one reminds me of the dances I did in elementary school (okay, highschool, too) but a thousand times better. And somehow those dance moves are so stylin! This video is a lesson in style.

This video is a lesson in skill. Sit back, watch this, be in AWE. Cuz it's toaderlly AWESOME!

This video is a lesson in being Feisty. (hah!) Leslie Feist is some how an amazing dancer. I don't know what it is. She just seems to move to her own rhythm and it totally makes sense. And I love Broken Social Scene but that's another story (and another 500 awesome music videos) I like her groove, it makes me feel comfortable with my totally off-centered style.

Poached eggs

WARNING: Don't watch this if you hate stupid people. In otro words: believers, not thinkers who pretend like their opinion is protected (even if it sucks) and they don't have to listen to other views. (yeah America!)

But I must say: How is it okay/reasonable that she cares so much about a fucking egg but truthfully does not give a shit about the kid once it's alive? I doubt she would donate any money, ever, to support orphanages and drug rehab facilities or any sort of program that helps kids who grew up in terrible, unwanted conditions and ended up fucking up their lives. Cool, Elizabeth. Real cool. Give a fuck about a stupid tiny egg that we have plenty of, but make sure to totally ignore it once it's an actual human being. Stop being so pretend-philosophical, so theoretical, and be rational, reasonable, and compasionate (you stupid stupid slut)